Docker-Compose Demo ------------------- For demonstration and experimentation purposes, a docker-compose_ setup can be found `here `__. To run, first install docker_ and docker-compose_, following the instructions for your OS. You'll also need to make sure that docker is started with sufficient resources - we recommend having at least 4 GB allocated to your ``docker-machine``. The demo cluster can then be started as follows: .. code-block:: shell # Clone the repository $ git clone # Enter the `docker-demo` directory $ cd jupyterhub-on-hadoop/docker-demo # Start the demo cluster $ docker-compose up -d JupyterHub will then be available on port ``8888`` at your docker-machine IP address. This IP address can be found at: .. code-block:: shell $ docker-machine inspect --format {{.Driver.IPAddress}}) Once you're done using the demo, it can be shutdown with (from the ``docker-demo`` directory): .. code-block:: shell $ docker-compose down The demo comes with the following features: - A realistic Hadoop 3 (`CDH 6`_) cluster (1 master, 1 worker, 1 edge node), with Kerberos security enabled. - 3 user accounts (``alice``, ``bob``, and ``carl``). The password for each is ``testpass``. - Both Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab are available. The default upon login is the Notebook interface, replace ``/tree`` with ``/lab`` in the URL to access JupyterLab. - Each user gets access to a Python 3.7 environment, with common packages like ``numpy`` and ``pandas`` already installed. - Dask_ and Spark_ are both installed and fully configured. See :doc:`dask` and :doc:`spark` for more information on use. For a walkthrough using the same demo cluster, see this video: .. raw:: html
.. _Docker: .. _Docker-Compose: .. _CDH 6: .. _Dask: .. _Spark: