Integration with Spark ====================== By using JupyterHub, users get secure access to a container running inside the Hadoop cluster, which means they can interact with Spark *directly* (instead of by proxy with Livy). This is both simpler and faster, as results don't need to be serialized through Livy. Installation ------------ Spark must be installed on your cluster before use. Follow the installation guidelines from your distribution, or refer to the `Spark-on-Yarn documentation`_. Configuration ------------- PySpark_ isn't installed like a normal Python library, rather it's packaged separately and needs to be added to the ``PYTHONPATH`` to be importable. This can be done by configuring ```` to find the required libraries and set ``PYTHONPATH`` in the user's notebook environment. You'll also want to set ``PYSPARK_PYTHON`` to the same Python path that the notebook environment is running in. .. code-block:: python import os import glob # Find pyspark modules to add to PYTHONPATH, so they can be used as regular # libraries pyspark = '/usr/lib/spark/python/' py4j = glob.glob(os.path.join(pyspark, 'lib', 'py4j-*.zip'))[0] pythonpath = ':'.join([pyspark, py4j]) # Set PYTHONPATH and PYSPARK_PYTHON in the user's notebook environment c.YarnSpawner.environment = { 'PYTHONPATH': pythonpath, 'PYSPARK_PYTHON': '/opt/jupyterhub/miniconda/bin/python', } If you're using an `archived notebook environment `, you may instead want to bundle a ``spark`` config directory in the archive, and set the ``SPARK_CONF_DIR`` to the extracted path. This allows you to specify the path to the same archive in the config, so your users don't have to themselves. This might look like: .. code-block:: text # A custom spark-defaults.conf # Stored at `/etc/spark/spark-defaults.conf`, where `` is the top # directory of the unarchived Conda/virtual environment. # Common configuration spark.master yarn spark.submit.deployMode client spark.yarn.queue myqueue # If the spark jars are already on every node, avoid serializing them spark.yarn.jars local:/usr/lib/spark/jars/* # Path to the archived Python environment spark.yarn.dist.archives hdfs:///jupyterhub/example.tar.gz#environment # Pyspark configuration spark.pyspark.python ./environment/bin/python spark.pyspark.driver.python ./environment/bin/python And the ```` file: .. code-block:: python # Add PySpark to PYTHONPATH, same as above # ... # Set PYTHONPATH and SPARK_CONF_DIR in the user's notebook environment c.YarnSpawner.environment = { 'PYTHONPATH': pythonpath, 'SPARK_CONF_DIR': './environment/etc/spark' } Usage ----- Given configuration like above, users may not need to enter any parameters when creating a ``SparkContext`` - the default values may already be sufficiently set: .. code-block:: python import pyspark # Create a spark context from the defaults set in configuration sc = pyspark.SparkContext() Of course, overrides can always be provided at runtime if needed: .. code-block:: python import pyspark conf = pyspark.SparkConf() # Override a few default parameters conf.set('spark.executor.memory', '512m') conf.set('spark.executor.instances', 1) # Create a spark context with the overrides sc = pyspark.SparkContext(conf=conf) If all nodes are configured to use the same Python path/archive, then all dependencies should be available on all workers: .. code-block:: python def some_function(x): # Libraries are imported and available from the same environment as the # notebook import sklearn import pandas as pd import numpy as np # Use the libraries to do work return ... rdd = sc.parallelize(range(1000)).map(some_function).take(10) When you're done, the Spark clusters can be shutdown manually, or will be automatically shutdown when the notebook exits. Further Reading --------------- There are additional Jupyter and Spark integrations that may be useful for your installation. Please refer to their documentation for more information: - sparkmonitor_: Realtime monitoring of Spark applications from inside the notebook - jupyter-spark_: Simpler progress indicators for running Spark jobs Additionally, you may find the following resources useful: - `Using conda environments with Spark `__ - `Using virtual environments with Spark `__ .. _Spark-on-Yarn documentation: .. _sparkmagic: .. _PySpark: .. _sparkmonitor: .. _jupyter-spark: